Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Four years later

Four years later and here goes nothing, the the first post of 2014.  Time really does fly when your having fun and travels at the speed of light when you have two little kids.  I created this blog to have an easy way for my family and friends to see my daughter, however since the last post, Facebook and other social media sites have made it super simple and the blog has just been sitting here.  So a little bit about the family additions since 2009.  I now have two little girls, Eden 5.5 and Noa 2.5 and I just recently got my dream guitar (still needs a name.) Linus is 8 and is still a gigantic fluffball that thinks he is human and I am still married to, the best wife ever, Lindsay.


  1. Great photos- your little girlies are cute! Your dog is awesome- he looks so soft and fluffy!

  2. Thanks for sharing! Love the guitar and the dog...if we're being honest most animals do think they're human!

  3. That's a huge dog. Diggin' the guitar too..although I can't play.

  4. Lol your dog is adorable! Also, you have a great looking family, congratulations.

    You're right, with so many forms of social media and many of them which make it so easy to share quick thoughts it can be hard to keep up with a blog, but i'm glad to see you're back into it!

    What type of guitar is it? I play an acoustic electric Alvarez which has been my baby for about 4 years now.

    1. Thanks! It is a Gibson ES-335 (semi hollow body). I sold some guitars on Ebay a few months ago and bought this one. I had 11 guitars which was just stupid, so now I just have this, a strat and a couple acoustics.
